Tuesday, October 26, 2010

NZ Flowers

Its springtime in New Zealand and the flowers are starting to burst with color! Here are a few pictures from around our cottage and around Hamilton that we really liked - hope you enjoy them too!


  1. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!!! Yay for you guys! I love seeing the pics of these flowers. That was one of the first things that Mark and I enjoyed was a big beautiful rose garden next to the water. So happy to see what you guys are up to on your adventure! Your landlords sound great. What a huge difference hospitality makes! Cant wait to hear more. Megan, what are you gonna be up to?

    Lots and lots of love,


  2. Stephanie!!

    How is school? How is PA? I am so sad we didn't make it to you on our drive to NJ. I have told Kevin several times within the last few months how much I miss you two.

    It really has been nice getting settled in and our landlords have been great. Today I made a pumpkin and carrot soup with a pumpkin they dropped off from their garden (yum!).

    I hope to get an internship here with one of the Student Services offices at the Uni. It has been troublesome getting a response back from the individual I have been in touch with. So I hope to check in with her in person tomorrow.

    I hope you are having a beautiful fall my dear! Hugs,

